Teknologi CNC di Era Industri 4.0

Otomasi Industri Series #1
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Herry Kusuma, S.T.

Teknologi Mesin Perkakas CNC telah menjadi tulang punggung berbagai industri selama lebih dari 6 dekade. Hampir tidak ada produk yang kita kenal saat ini yang tidak bersinggungan secara langsung  atau tidak langsung dengan mesin perkakas CNC. Demikian penting peran mesin perkakas CNC dalam industry sehingga mesin ini dijuluki “mother of all machine”.  Teknologi yang digunakan oleh Mesin CNC dikembangkan dari kemajuan teknologi multi-disiplin yang meliputi Teknik Mesin, Elektrik, Elektronika dan Perangkat lunak – integrasi dari bidang ini mencapai korvergensi dan menjadi bidang khusus yang disebut Mekatronika. 

Perkembangan teknologi menuju era digital – dengan frame work Industri 4.0 - mendorong teknologi CNC lebih jauh lagi untuk memenuhi tuntutan akan produk yang berkualitas tinggi, secara cepat dan dengan harga yang terjangkau. Selain itu dengan pergeseran pola konsumsi yang bergerak ke arah ‘mass customization’ mendorong teknologi CNC untuk memenuhi tuntutan fleksibilitas yang lebih tinggi untuk beradapatasi dengan perubahan permintaan dari pelanggan. Hal ini dapat dicapai melalui memperluas keterhubungan system CNC dengan sub sistem produksi secara vertical dan horizontal.

Dalam sesi berbagi ini naras sumber akan membahas:

  • Penggunaan CNC di proses produksi di Industri.
  • ‘Deep dive’ ke dalam teknologi-teknologi  inti yang membangun sistem CNC.
  • Perkembangan teknologi CNC untuk beradaptasi dengan era Industry 4.0.
  • Trend industry dan impaknya terhadap industry Mesin Perkakas CNC.
Profil Instruktur

Herry Kusuma, S.T.

Praktisi Otomasi Industri

Deskripsi Pemateri:


Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia (2000)

Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Mechatronics - Advanced Manufacturing System Research group.


Six years of experience in various management role including project manager, engineering manager and country manager which encompass the following area: project planning, engineering management, R&D management, customer relationship management, company strategic planning, and finance.

Four years of experience in factory reliability system and continuous improvement program.

Fifteen years of hands-on experience in industrial automation projects that includes conceptual system design, control equipment’s sizing and selection, electrical wiring design, cabinet design, software development, commissioning, continuous improvement program and training.



Country  Manager (June 2019 – present)

PT CNC Disain Nusantara, Indonesia (www.cncdesign.com.au)

  • Oversees the operations of CNCDesign Pty Ltd subsidiary in Indonesia which includes strategic planning for finance, sales, engineering &services and order processing and human resources management.
  • Acting as liaison between the Melbourne main office and teams in Jakarta office and ensure target KPIs for finance, sales, engineering &services and order processing achieve within prescribed time.
  • Ensure organization compliance to Indonesian law, taxation system and regulation are met.
  • Manage relationship with principal supplier and ensure business interest of the company are fulfilled in the most efficient way. 
  • Responsible to achieve IDR 36 billion annual sales budget and lead multidisciplinary team of 28 people.
  • Representing the company to the society by actively contribute both time and effort in working with professional association, industry, education and government.


Engineering Manager (Feb 2018 – June 2019)

CNCDesign Pty Ltd, VIC, Australia (www.cncdesign.com.au)

  • Responsible for ensuring that key projects and engineering duties are fulfilled which includes planning, managing customer expectation, resource allocation, budget control, managing engineers time and in certain situation liaise with customer for conflict resolutions.
  • Coordinated with internal department within the company to help achieving the objective of the project.   
  • Planned talent scouting, engineers training and engineers career development.
  • Managed engineering solution development including technology selection, allocating engineer with the right skill set and managing time and cost for development


Automation Project Manager (March 2016 – Feb 2018), Rinnai Australia, VIC, Australia (www.rinnai.com.au)


  • Managed project scope for green site which includes automated robotic welding cell, enameling line and semi-automatic assembly line and palletizing for Hot Water Tank manufacturing line.   
  • Designed and lead installation of factory IT infrastructure which includes fiber optic back-bone and copper network to cover factory data, automation and security network.
  • Define scope and lead implementation of proprietary Manufacturing Execution System for Hot Water Tank manufacturing.
  • Lead implementation of Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) using MEX software to manage maintenance activities related to building facility, manufacturing equipments and general services.
  • Manage subcontractor, supplier and internal resources required during execution of the projects mentioned above.



  • Define preventive maintenance tasks, documentation and spare parts in CMMS software to support equipments and facility used in Hot Water Tank manufacturing line.
  • Manage critical spare parts required for operation of equipments used in Hot Water Tank manufacturing line
  • Perform root cause analysis for equipment un-scheduled shutdown and decide required corrective action. Document the event into factory Knowledge Base for further minor/major process improvement evaluation.
  • Promote minor/major process improvement through automated system solutions as part of continuous improvement program.
  • Manage documentation, engineering software and training for maintenance staff.



  • Successfully delivered automation system which integrates factory IT, automation network, security and software (Engineering, CMMS and MES) within 12 months. Total value for automation components in the project approx.. $2 million.


Senior Automation Engineer (April 2013 - February 2016), Textor Technologies, VIC, Australia




  • Manage Capital Expenditure project that includes new equipment installation, commissioning, operator training, production validation and documentation.
  • Allocate internal resources, subcontractor and supplier to meet project delivery target.
  • Mentor junior engineer in different aspects of control system engineering and best practices in industry.


  • Ensure high plant availability by providing technical support to automation system assets which includes SCADA, PLC, VSD, servo system, safety system, instrumentation and switchgears.
  • Perform root cause analysis for equipment un-scheduled shutdown and decide required corrective action. Document the event into factory Knowledge Base for further minor/major process improvement evaluation.
  • Promote minor/major process improvement through automated system solutions as part of continuous improvement program.
  • Manage plant automation system spare parts, documentation, engineering software and training.



  • Successfully commissioned non-woven converting equipments within specified time and budget. Total project value AU$5.3 million commissioning completed within 4 weeks.
  • Lead continuous improvement program which includes mechanical, electrical and control system software modification. These effort improves machine efficiency by 50%, within 12 months period. 


Project Engineer (Mar 2008 - Mar 2013), CNCDesign Pty Ltd, VIC, Australia (www.cncdesign.com.au)


  • Manage project scope of supply, cost control, schedule and logistics and communicate project information to all stakeholder.
  • Manage engineering team to work on high-end machine tool automation system retrofit projects.
  • Supervise automation system  engineering design & testing which includes conceptual design, wiring diagram, software development, FAT, commissioning, SAT.
  • Manage resources during on-site installation, commissioning and end user training.
  • Coordinate service engineer for on-site/off-site support.
  • Train junior engineer in different aspects of control systems engineering.



  • Develop engineering capability for Machine Tools and Production Machine retrofit in Brisbane office
  • Successfully commissioned first Galvanizing Line for end customer in Slovakia. This project involves resources in 3 different offices (Brisbane, Melbourne, Indonesia) for engineering and manufacturing. Total electrical project value of AU$1.5 million
  • Successfully  delivered CNC Roll Grinder retrofit project for steel company in Taiwan. Total project value of US$800.000


Senior Project Engineer (Nov 2001- Feb2008)                                 

PT CNC Disain Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia



  • Lead PM engineering team that  covers projects in South East  Asia region specialized in PLC, HMI and drives.
  • Design, implement and test engineering solutions to meet customer specification.
  • Communicate, manage and supervise different stage of projects development phase.
  • Responsible for developing engineering solution in continuous metal processing lines for OEM in Australia.
  • Provides technical support for sales division on component selection and quotation based on customer specification.


  • Pioneered engineering expertise for Production Machinery business in CNCDesign branch, Jakarta.
  • Deliver 3 international projects for OEM in Australia. This includes system design, cabinet design and cabinet production,, software development. Managed engineering resources from 3 different offices (Indonesia, Melbourne, Sydney). Total project value AU$ 1 million


Indonesian Machine Tool Association (IMTA)

Asosiasi Printer Tridimensi Indonesia (PRINTRIDI)

International Society of Automation  (www.isa.org)



  • Control system design and application which includes functional specification, control equipments selection and sizing, drive & motor engineering, CAD electrical drawing, electrical cabinet layout, software development, FAT, commissioning, SAT and training.  
  • Translate tender documents into project engineering scope of supply, project time lines, project budget,  
  • Broad range of experience in providing customized engineering solution for industrial automation, control and instrumentation, which covers the following field: water treatment plant, oil and gas, packaging lines, beam processing lines, continuous strip processing lines, printing, packaging, converting and machine tools.
  • Hands-on experience in the following products & technologies from various vendors: PLC, DRIVES, HMI/SCADAS, CNC/Motion Controls, Motor Controls, Instrumentation, CAD.



Fasilitas: Webinar Only

Program ini tidak menyediakan Sertifikat Kehadiran bagi peserta Free Webinar
Modul dan Ujian hanya diberikan bagi peserta Kursus Bersertifikat
Program ini menyediakan Sertifikat Kursus bagi peserta yang lulus ujian saja

1) Recorded Webinar
2) Modul Pelatihan
3) Group Discussion 
4) Ujian Online/Remedial
5) Sertifikat Kursus dari ASDAMKINDO bagi yang lulus Ujian (Sertifikat Kursus mencantumkan Nama, Tempat/Tanggal Lahir, Skor Hasil Ujian, dan QR Code)

Langkah-langkah mengikuti Kursus Bersertifikat:

A. Peserta Perorangan
1) Mengisi formulir pendaftaran.
2) Klik Join Course, maka akan diarahkan ke halaman pembayaran Payment Gateway. Anda bisa pilih metode pembayaran yang ingin digunakan.
3) Melakukan pembayaran sesuai harga yang tercantum di website
4) Link Zoom dan WhatsApp Group Kursus akan dikirim via email secara otomatis kepada peserta setelah pembayaran terverifikasi.
5) Mengikuti Ujian Online (Ujian Pilihan Ganda, Open-Book, Passing Grade 70%).
6) Sertifikat dapat langsung didownload setelah peserta lulus ujian.

B. Peserta Kelompok
1) Melakukan pembayaran secara berkelompok**
   - Umum: Rp80.000 per orang
   - Mahasiswa: Rp40.000 per orang*
   **) Kelompok minimal 10 orang dari Instansi/Perguruan Tinggi yang sama.
   Cara Pembayaran Kelompok: Kumpulkan biaya kursus ke satu orang koordinator. Koordinator kemudian menginformasikan daftar nama anggota kepada Admin. Koordinator melakukan transfer gabungan pembayaran ke rekening yang diberikan oleh Admin. Setelah itu, peserta akan diberikan Kode Voucher.
2) Masukan Kode Voucher yang telah diberikan Admin di bagian "Kode Voucher".
3) Link Zoom dan WhatsApp Group Kursus akan dikirim via email secara otomatis kepada peserta setelah pembayaran terverifikasi.
4) Mengikuti Ujian Online (Ujian Pilihan Ganda, Open-Book, Passing Grade 70%).
5) Sertifikat dapat langsung didownload setelah peserta lulus ujian.

*) Mahasiswa/Fresh Graduate silakan upload Foto KTM/Ijazah pada bagian Bukti Mahasiswa di Tab My Profile - Biodata.

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Teknologi CNC di Era Industri 4.0

Teknologi CNC di Era Industri 4.0

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