LeanTegra Institute

Lean Implementation for Continuous Improvement

Lean Course Series #2
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Yanli Rachman

Setelah pembahasan dan diskusi Lean Fundamental pada Lean Course Series 1, pembahasan penting selanjutnya adalah mengimplementasi prinsip Lean pada proses kerja untuk pengembangan yang berkelanjutan. 

Lean Implementation for Continous Improvement berfokus pada “process - people - product - procedure - prudence” sebagai kerangka untuk menjalankan proses yang bertumpu pada prinsip Lean. Tujuan utama dari pengaplikasian Lean adalah menghasilkan value yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan dengan menggunakan resource secara efisien. 

Pada sesi ini, kita akan membahas cara mengoptimalkan resource berdasarkan kerangka Lean Implementation for Continous Improvement dengan berkonsentrasi kepada:
- proses kerja
- manusia sebagai executor
- value yang dihasilkan
- potret atau dokumentasi kerja
- penyempurnaaan proses dan value

Profil Instruktur

Yanli Rachman

Lean Management Expert

Deskripsi Pemateri:


October 1995, Under Graduate of Art & Design Faculty, Majoring in Industrial Design, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Membership of Professional Societies

1999– Present, IATO, Indonesia,Society of Automotive Professional Societies 

1997 – Present, ADPI, Indonesia Product Designer Association

Key Qualification

Specialist in Product Planning, Industrial Design, Car Styling, Kaizen Training. (Productivity & Quality Improvement), Lean Production System

Employment Record

January 2020 - Present, PT Leantegra Tekno Mandiri, Sr. Consultant for Lean and Production

March  2012 – December 2019, Gabungan Industri Alat alat Mobil dan Motor (GIAMM) - Association of Indonesian Autoparts Industry, Autoparts Business Development

November 2013 – January 2015, PT, Dela Cemara Indah, Technical Division Head

September 2002 – March 2012, Yayasan Sentra Otomotif Indonesia, Kaizen & Productivity Consultant

2005 –  April 2006, PT. Sentra Manufaktur Indonesia, General Manager

September 2002 – January 2005, Yayasan Sentra Otomotif Indonesia, Technical Consultant for Small Medium Industry

April 2000 – September 2002, Ikatan Ahli Teknik Otomotif, (Society of Automotive Engineers), Information Staff

September 1998 – July1999, Astra Revitalization Program, Product Planner / Design Engineer

June 1998 – September 1998, Ikatan Ahli Teknik Otomotif, (Society of Automotive Engineers), Information Staff

April 1996 – June 1998, PT. Astra International, Design Center Division, Product  Designer/Car Stylist

September 1995 – April 1996, PT. Telnic Industries, Product Designer


Detailed Tasks Assigned (Product Development, Lean Manufacturing & Kaizen Specialist) - Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Task Assigned ((a) Name of Assignment or Project (b) Year (c) Location (d) Client (e) Main Project Features (f) Position Held (g) Activities Performed)

  1. Implementation of Lean Production System for Auto Parts Industry: (a) Training  of Lean Production System Master Trainer Phase 3(b) October – December 2012 (c) Jakarta & Surroundings (d) Japan External Trade Organization, Indonesian Ministry of Industry (e) Implementation of LPS principles on factory (f) Master Trainer Coordinator, (g) 3 Months
  2. Implementation of Lean Production System for Auto Parts Industry: (a) Training of Lean Production System Master Trainer Phase 2 (b) October – December 2011 (c) Jakarta & Surroundings (d) Japan External Trade Organization, Indonesian Ministry of Industry (e) Implementation of LPS principles on factory(f) Master Trainer, (g) 3 Months.
  3. Set-up and Implementing ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 on PT Multikarya Sinardinamika: a) Preparation of ISO 9001:2008 & 14001:2004 (b) Januari – December 2011 (c) Jakarta (d) PT. Multikarya Sinardinamika (e) evaluate, implementating & operating (f)Coordinator (g) 12 Months.
  4. Design and set-up Knowledge Management Roadmap on Directorate General of Tax: a) Set-up Roadmap for The Implementation of Knowledge Management (b) April– November 2011 (c) Jakarta (d) PT. Malacca E Lab (e) Mapping information streams and processes for Knowledge Management Roadmap.  (f)Process Business Consultant (g) 8 Months
  5. Trainee of Master Trainer for Lean Production System Implementation for Auto Parts Industry, (a) Training of Lean Production System Master Trainer Phase 1 (b) October – December 2010 (c) Jakarta & Surrondings (d) Japan External Trade Organization, Indonesian Ministry of Industry (e) Implemetation Study of Lean Productin System on Indonesian Culture (f)Trainee of Master Trainer, (g) 3 Months.
  6. Evaluating, Advising and Coaching in Sustainable Productivity Improvement refer to Problem Solving Implementation Autp Parts Suppliers, a) Problem Solving Implementation on SME’s (b) April – September 2010, (c) Central Java (d) Ministry of Industry(e) Problem Solving Implementation refer to Kaizen Mind Set, (f) Preparing Improvement Report, Coordinator & Administrator, (g) 6 Months.
  7. Evaluating, Advising and Coaching in Sustainable Productivity Improvement refer to Problem Solving Implementation for Automotive, (a) Manufacturing Development on Indonesian Autoparts Industry  (b) October – December 2009 (c) Jakarta & Surrondings (d) Japan External Trade Organization (e) Support, Operate and Organizing the basic Study(f) Administrator, (g) 3 Months
  8. Evaluating, Advising and Coaching in Sustainable Productivity Improvement refer to Problem Solving Implementation Autp Parts Suppliers, (a) Problem Solving Implementation on SME’s (b) April – September 2009, (c) West Java and East Java (d) Ministry of Industry(e) Problem Solving Implementation refer to Kaizen Mind Set, (f) Preparing Improvement Report, Coordinator & Administrator, (g) 12 Months.
  9. Organizing and Operating the Development of Auto Parts Design Engineering Center, (a) Autopart Design  Engineering Center, (b) January – December 2008, (c) Jakarta (d) Ministry of Industry (e) Development of Autoparts Design Engineering Center (f) Coordinator & Administrator, (g) 12 Months
  10. Support, Operate and Organizing, Manufacturing Industry Development Center (MIDEC-IJ) Basic Study, (a) Basic Study on Indonesian Autoparts Industry  (b) October – December 2008 (c) Jakarta & Surrondings (d) Japan External Trade Organization (e) Support, Operate and Organizing the basic Study(f) Administrator, (g) 4 Months
  11. Evaluating, Advising and Coaching in Sustainable Productivity Improvement refer to Problem Solving Implementation, (a) Problem Solving Implementation on SME’s (b) January - April 2008, (c) Jakarta (d) SENADA-USAID(e) Problem Solving Implementation refer to Kaizen Mind Set, (f) Preparing Improvement Report, Coordinator & Administrator, (g) 12 Months
  12. Evaluating, Advising and Coordinating in Sustainable Productivity Improvement refer to the 5S-Kaizen Mind Set, (a) Sustainable Productivity Improvement, (b) January - December 2007, (c) Cilegon, Banten (d) PT. JawaManis Rafinasi, (e) Sustainable Productivity Improvement refer to the 5S-Kaizen Mind Set, (f) Preparing Improvement Report, Coordinator & Administrator, (g) 12 Months
  13. Analyzing, Advising in Indonesia Automotive Industry Analysis for Export Value Chain Development, (a) Auto parts Export Development (b) October - November 2007 (c) Jakarta (d) SENADA-USAID (e) Autoparts Export for Value Chain Development (f)  Automotive Industry Advisor (g) 27 mandays
  14. Design & Engineering Center Feasibility Report Preparation, (a) Design Engineering Center Feasibility Study (b) July – October 2007, (c) Semarang, Klaten & Jakarta, (d) Ministry of Industry (e) Feasibility Study Report Preparation (f) Design & Engineering Expert, (g) 4 Months
  15. Analyzing, Advising in Indonesia Automotive Industry Analysis for Standard & Accreditation Development for Value Chain Enhancement, (a) Auto parts Standard & Accreditation Development (b) July 2007 (c) Jakarta (d) SENADA-USAID (e) Auto parts Standard and Accreditation for Value Chain Development (f)  Automotive Industry Advisor (g) 20 days
  16. Train & coach improvement for productivity and quality with kaizen activity, 5 S implementation on line Production and Office, (a) Automotive Roving Experts Dispatch Program (b) April – September 2006, (c) Jakarta(d) Ministry of Industry, JODC (e) Kaizen Productivity & Quality Improvement (f) Expert Trainee (g) 6 Months.
  17. Manage engineering for cost down, with (value Added and value engineering) VA/VE activity. To meet Standard Requirement of Customer’s QCD, (a) Engineering & Production (b) 2005 – 2006, (c) Jakarta, (d) PT. Sentra Manufaktur Indonesia (e) Engineering Design, PPIC, Production (f) Engineering & Production Manager (g) 15 Months
  18. Plan & Design, Planning and Design Vehicle for Rural & Plantation Needs, Base on requirement of Astra Agro Lestari, (a) Small Utility Vehicle for Plantation, Astra Revitalization Program (b) 1998-1999 (c) Jakarta, (d) PT. Astra International, (e) Product Planner & Design Engineer (f) 9 Months, 
  19. Design, Involve from Market Survey, Concept Development, Idea Sketch, Rendering, ¼ Clay Model, Full Scale Model for 7 Seats Passenger Car, (a) Astra Car, (b) 1996 -1998, (c) Jakarta & Yokohama, Japan (d) PT. Astra International (e) Car Development from market survey until full scale model  (f)  Designer / Car Stylist (g) 2 Years


Fasilitas: Webinar Only

Program ini tidak menyediakan Sertifikat Kehadiran bagi peserta Free Webinar
Modul dan Ujian hanya diberikan bagi peserta kursus
Program ini menyediakan Sertifikat Kursus bagi peserta yang lulus ujian saja

1) Recorded Webinar
2) Modul Pelatihan
3) Group Discussion 
4) Ujian Online/Remedial
5) Sertifikat Kursus bagi yang lulus Ujian (Sertifikat Kursus mencantumkan nama, tempat/tanggal lahir, skor hasil ujian dan QR Code).

Langkah-langkah mengikuti Kursus Bersertifikat:

A. Peserta Perorangan
1) Klik Bergabung Kursus Bersertifikat
2) Klik Join Course, maka akan diarahkan ke halaman pembayaran Payment Gateway. Anda bisa pilih metode pembayaran yang ingin digunakan.
3) Melakukan pembayaran sesuai harga yang tercantum di website

B. Peserta Kelompok
1) Melakukan pembayaran secara berkelompok**
   - Umum: Rp80.000 per orang
   - Mahasiswa: Rp40.000 per orang*
   **) Kelompok minimal 10 orang dari Instansi/Perguruan Tinggi yang sama.
   Cara Pembayaran Kelompok: Kumpulkan biaya kursus ke satu orang koordinator. Koordinator kemudian menginformasikan daftar nama anggota kepada Admin. Koordinator melakukan transfer gabungan pembayaran ke rekening yang diberikan oleh Admin. Setelah itu, peserta akan diberikan Kode Voucher.

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4) Klik Apply, tunggu sebentar sampai biaya kursus pada kotak orange berubah menjadi nol
5) Klik Join Course

*) Mahasiswa/Fresh Graduate silakan upload Foto KTM/Ijazah pada bagian Bukti Mahasiswa di Tab My Profile - Biodata.

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Modul Kursus

Lean Implementation for Continuous Improvement

Lean Implementation for Continuous Improvement

[Tanya Jawab] Lean Implementation for Continuous Improvement

[Tanya Jawab] Lean Implementation for Continuous Improvement

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