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Profil Instruktur
Ir. Andi Taufan Marimba MM, MBA, IPU, ACPE, FIEAust, CPENG, ENGEXEC, APEC ENG, INTPE(Aust)
BIM Expert
Deskripsi Pemateri:
Within 33 Years of experiences in strategic and project management as well as business development fields in many industries, he has built a strong knowledge and skills of how to develop and manage any project management task successfully as well as opening business opportunities for a company to penetrate an existing market and enter a new market smoothly.
Project Management Dashboard, Cloud Platform for BIM, Infrastructure Design
Software skills: Civil 3D Autodesk (Advanced), Primavera (Advanced), Autodesk BIM 360 (Advanced), Autodesk BIM Collaborations Pro (Advanced), Autodesk Infrawork (Advanced).
[Part1] Beyond BIM (Building Information Modeling)
[Part2] Beyond BIM (Building Information Modeling)
[Part3] Beyond BIM (Building Information Modeling)
[Part4] Beyond BIM (Building Information Modeling)