Aplikasi Teknologi Plasma untuk Sterilisasi Ruangan: Upaya Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19

Aplikasi Teknologi Plasma untuk Sterilisasi Ruangan: Upaya Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19

Teknologi Biomedik Series #1
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Anto Tri Sugiarto, Ph.D
Profil Instruktur

Anto Tri Sugiarto, Ph.D

Expert in Plasma & Nanobubble Technology

Deskripsi Pemateri:

Industrial Application Experiences:
More than 20 years of research, development and application of plasma technology and nanobubble technology for various
application in environmental, agroindustry, medical and mining industry. More than 90 publications with 7 patents have been applied
in the fields of clean water treatment, wastewater and sanitation based on plasma and nanobubble technology.
He also Founder of Plasma Centre Indonesia (2008), a company working on product development based on Plasma and
nanobubble technology. Plasma Centre Indonesia has produced more than 5 product application and almost 70 Plants of clean
water and wastewater treatment in various industries such as the petroleum, mining, palm oil, chemical industry, hospitals and domestic industries.
Recently, he developed Airborne Terminator for air and surface sterilization based on ozone nanomist. This product is very useful for killed bacteria and virus.

College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University - Japan, Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering.
College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University - Japan, Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering
Gunma University School of Science and Technology - Japan, Doctor of Philosophy in Plasma Technology

Pengalaman Kerja

  • Assistant Professor at Department Biological and Chemical Engineering, Gunma University, Japan, April 2002 – March 2003
  • Researcher in Plasma and Nanobubble Technology at Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), April 2003 - Now
  • Head of Environmental Instrumentation Laboratory at Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Januari 2005 – December 2008
  • Head of Instrumentation Development Division at Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), July 2016 – Now
  • Technical Committee of 07-04 Fine Bubble Technology at National Standardization Agency, of Indonesia (BSN), July 2020 - Now


  • The Masuda Award 2002 from The Society of Electrostatics of Japan
  • The best young researchers in Sciences and Environmental 2003 from Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
  • Indonesian Delegation for Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau 2005 from Ministry of Sciences and Technology of Indonesia (Kemenristek)
  • Adhicipta Rekayasa PII Engineering Award 2006 from The Institution of Engineer Indonesia (PII)
  • 100 Innovation Indonesia 2008 from Ministry of Sciences and Technology of Indonesia (Kemenristek)
  • Gold Award PII Sustainable Engineering Award 2009 from The Institution of Engineer Indonesia (PII)
  • Patent Innovation Award 2010 from Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
  • Best Innovation Award 2020 from The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award


  • Plasma in water method and water treatment unit (No. 4111858) Japan Patent Office
  • Reaktor air berozon (No. ID P 0025350) DIT. JEN. HKI. DEP. KEH. RI
  • Alat penghasil gelembung mikro/nano (ID P00201706248) DIT. JEN. HKI. DEP. KEH. RI
  • Alat penghasil uap air berozon (S00202009438) DIT. JEN. HKI. DEP. KEH. RI
  • Others (3 Patent)


  • V. Luvita, S. Bismo, and A. T. Sugiarto “Design and Performance Test of Ozone-Plasma Hybrid Reactor for Phenol Waste” Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 885 pp 33-37 (2021)
  •  Z.T. Ichlas, M. Z. Mubarok, A. Magnalita, J. Vaughan, A. T. Sugiarto, “Processing Mixed Nickel-Cobalt Hydroxide Precipitate by Sulfuric Acid Leaching Followed by Selecive Oxidative Precipitation of Cobalt and Manganese”, Hydrometallurgy 191 (2020) 105185
  • Hilman, S.A., Bahrudin, A.T. Sugiarto and G.G.Redhyka, Design and Performance of Swirl Flow Microbubble Generator, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.40) (2018) 66-69
  • MZ Mubarok, K Sukamto, ZT Ichlas, AT Sugiarto, “Direct Sulfuric Acid Leaching of Zinc Sulfide Concentrate Using Ozone as Oxidant Under Atmosprehic Pressure”, Minerals and Metallurgical Processing 35(3):133-140 (2018)



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Modul Kursus

Aplikasi Teknologi Plasma untuk Sterilisasi Ruangan: Upaya Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19

Aplikasi Teknologi Plasma untuk Sterilisasi Ruangan: Upaya Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19

[Tanya Jawab] Aplikasi Teknologi Plasma untuk Sterilisasi Ruangan: Upaya Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19

[Tanya Jawab] Aplikasi Teknologi Plasma untuk Sterilisasi Ruangan: Upaya Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19

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